An Analysis of the
Meaning Enshrined in the Architecture of the Tay Ninh Holy See of Cao Dai / by Phuoc Tai Nguyen, Van Thuy
Dinh, Thuan Quy Nguyen, Kim Hoang T Tran
- In: J. Daesoon Thought
Relig. East Asia 2022; 2(1):111-13 - - [JDTREA/HTML]
The Baha’i faith and Caodaism: Migration, Change and De-secularisation(s) in
Australia / by Adam Possamai - In: 2007, Journal of Sociology 43 (3) - - - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
The basic truths on Caodaism (2021 07 20) / by Chau Nguyen Ngoc - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
Bí Pháp: The Secret or Esoteric Doctrine of Caodaism by Phạm Công Tắc, A
Translation by Từ Chơn and Christopher Hartney - 2018, Archived at Centre for
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Can a Hierarchical Religion Survive without Its Center? - Caodaism, Colonialism,
and Exile (chapter 4) / by Janet Hoskins - In book: Hierarchy (pp.113-141) - - []
Cao Dai: Keeping their faith / by Darin C Schow - Thesis (M.A.)--California
State University, Long Beach - - [Please
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The Cao Đài Deathscape: Reimagining Death, Funerals,
and Salvation in
Contemporary Vietnam / by Jammes J, Shuai SZ. - In: Religions 11, no. 6: 280. - - [MDPI/HTML]
The Caodai Mother Goddess
in a globalizing world: mediation between religious universalism and
orientation among Vietnamese Caodaists in the United States
/ by Thien-Huong T. Ninh
(2013) - In: Asian Anthropology, 12:1, 53-67, - - [PDF]
Caodai exile and redemption: A new Vietnamese religion's struggle for identity
by Janet Hoskins - January 2006, in book:Religion and Social Justice For
Immigrants (pp.191-209) - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
Cao Dai Fuses Great Faiths of the World / by Patricia Ward Biederman - In: Los
Angeles Times. January 7, 2006 , - - [HTML]
Caodai spiritism : hybrid individuals, global communities - MA Thesis by Duc
Hong Huynh, The University of Texas at Austin, May 2010. - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
Caodaism (Draft Entry for Sage Encyclopaedia of Sociology of Religion) / by
Christopher Humphrey Hartney - 2019, Sage Encyclopaedia of Religion - - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
CaoDaism / Prepared by : Jen Edreille M. Enriquez - - - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
Caodaism and its global networks: An ethnological approach of a Vietnamese
religious movement in Vietnam, Cambodia and Overseas / by Jérémy Jammes - In:
Moussons, 13-14, 2009, p. 339–58. - - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
Caodaism: Global Ambition vs Persecution / by Blagov, Sergei (1999) . A paper presented at CESNUR 99 conference, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania. - - [HTML]
Caodaism: How a Secretive
Sect Based on Spirit Communication Shaped the Destiny of Vietnam / by John
Chambers - In: New Dawn Special Issue 11 (Mar 2010) - - [OpenAcess
Caodaism in Times of War: Spirits of Struggle and Struggle of Spirits / by
Jérémy Jammes - In: SOJOURN: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia - Volume
31, Number 1 March 2016: 248-294. - - - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
Caodaism: Most Up-to-Date Encyclopedia, News & Reviews - - [Academic
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Caodaism - Spirit-Writing and Revelation in a Vietnamese New Religion (IKGF
Erlangen) / Published by IKGF Erlangen - - [YouTube]
Caodaism: A Syncretistic Religion of Vietnam / by Md Shaikh Farid - The CDR
Journal Vol I No. 1, June 2006: 53-57. - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
The Chinese Religious Influences on Caodaism: A Critical Analysis / by Md Shaikh
Farid - in: Philosophy and Progress: Vols. XLIX-L, January-June, July-December,
2011, p.109-128. - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
A Country Burning for Religious Freedom: The New Draft Law on Freedom of
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2017 - HeinOnline - - [PDF]
"The crisis of the eight lunar
month: The Cao Dai, Prince Cuong De and the Japanese in 1937-1939" / by Dean
Meyers and My-Van Tran - In IJAPS, Vol. 2, No. 1 (May 2006) - - [ACADEMIA
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The development of Caodai
sectarianism / by Victor L Oliver - In: Religion, Volume 4, Issue 1, Spring
1974, Pages 1-25 - - [
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The Development of Scholarly Studies
of Caodaism in Australia: Tone and
Characteristics, Biases and Outcomes. / by
Humphrey Hartney - 2022, Antipodes of the Soul: The Study of Religion in
Australia and New Zealand . - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
Diaspora as Religious Doctrine: An "Apostle of Vietnamese Nationalism" Comes to
California ( Research Essay) / by Janet Hoskins - In: 2011 Journal of Vietnamese
Studies - - [Web
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Divine Mother of Carramar: The Motivations, Construction, and Stylistics of
Caodaism's Second Sydney Temple. /
by C Hartney - In: Wuhan Journal of Cultic
Studies , 2021 - - - [PDF]
Divination and Politics in Southern Vietnam: Roots of Caodaism / by Jérémy
Jammes - In: Social Compass - 57(3), 2010, 357-371. . - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
The Divine Eye and the
Diaspora: Vietnamese Syncretism Becomes Transpacific Caodaism / by Janet
Alison Hoskins - Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2015. - - [Get
access HTML]
Exploring cao dai holy books and
literatures : a brief overview / by Mohammad Jahangir Alam (University of Dhaka)
- - [
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Exploring Caodai
Networks and Practices in France: From Individual Itineraries
to Interlocked Relations / by Jérémy Jammes - In: Interdisciplinary Journal
for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 9, 20230120, 93 - -
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The followers
of Caodaism in
foreign countries and the administrative relation between believers of Caodaism
in foreign countries and Cao Dai church in country / By Huynh N. Thu, Le T. M. Ha - In: Thu Dau Mot Univ Journal of Science – Vol.2 – Issue 4-2020,
p.458-469. - - [PDF]
The Formation of Correct Religion
in South Vietnam during Ngo Dinh Diem's Era: Focusing on the Case of Cao Dai :
ベトナム共和国第一共和政における「宗教」概念の導入 / by Kitazawa Naohiro - In:
: 東南アジア ─ 歴史と文化 ─ № 44, 2015. - - [PDF]
From Colonial Syncretism to Transpacific Diaspora: Re-Orienting Caodaism from
Vietnam to California / by Janet Hoskins - in: DORISEA Working Paper Series No.
7 . - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
From Poetic Drinking Sessions to Cosmic War: The Rise of Caodaism through the
Imagination of Phạm Công Tắc (1890-1959) / by Christopher Humphrey Hartney . . -
The Global Religious Imagery of the Cult of Duc Cao Ðài / by Niculae Liviu
Gheran. In: Caietele Echinox, 41/ 2021, p.299-308 : Identités individuelles - -
" God's Chosen People": Race, Religion and Anti-colonial Struggle in French
Indochina / by J Hoskins - 2012 - - Working Paper Series. 189,
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Healing by talking: Bodily and Social Therapy of Spirit Possession in
Late-Socialist Vietnam / by Shao Zhu Shuai, - In: La revue cArgo fête ses dix
ans : numéro anniversaire - - [Cargo
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Holy Land and Sacred City: How
Esoteric Explanations of the City of
Tây Ninh Rewrite this Vietnamese Town as
Both the New Jerusalem and the New Rome / by Christopher Humphrey Hartney - -
Holy Mothers in the Vietnamese Diaspora: Refugees, Community, and Nation / by
Thien-Huong Ninh - In: Religions 2018, 9(8), 233;
Holy scriptures of Cao Dai:
themes, sctructure, ideologies
КАОДАЙ: ТЕМАТИКА, СТРУКТУРА, ИДЕОЛОГИЯ / by Sharipov A.S. - In: Russian Journal
of Vietnamese Studies, Vol 7, No 2 S (2023) - - [PDF
How Caodaism Became A Major World Religion / published by Lawarch - - [YouTube]
How Heaven Operates: The Divine
Path to Eternal Life by Phạm Công Tắc (1948-1949) /
by Christopher Hartney - Archived at: Christopher Hartney (conference presentations) - - [ACADEMIA
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L’immaginazione personale e teologica di Phạm Công Tắc / by Janet Hoskins - In:
2013 Antropologia - - [Web
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Institutionalising Spiritism and The Esoteric: The Case of the Cao Dai / by Chris Hartney (1999) .A paper presented at CESNUR 99 conference, Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania Preliminary version.© Chris Hartney, 1999. - -
An internationalized religion: caodaism's communication strategies and syncretic
practices / by Nguyen Hoa - In:
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An Introduction to Caodaism / Ralph B. Smith
A Lesson in Collective Shamanic
Astral Travel: How Phạm Công Tắc Served as Heavenly Guide for his Caodaist
/ by Christopher Humphrey Hartney - 2021, Studies in Religion Seminar Series
Semester 1 2021.
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The Mother Goddess of the Cao Dai Religion / by Joseph J. Hobbs (University of
Missouri) , Presented at the CENSUR Conference, Taiwan, June 2018. - - [PDF]
A “Not-So-Distant Mirror”: the
Emergence of Vietnam’s Cao Dai Religion inResponse to an Early Stage of
Globalization in Asia, the Onset of the Colonial Age / by Dean Meyers In:
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Conference of the International Association of Historians of Asia, atthe
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, in November, 2008. - - [ACADEMIA
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Occulting the Dao:
Daoist Inner Alchemy, FrenchSpiritism,
and Vietnamese
Colonial Modernity in Caodai Translingual Practice
by Jeremy Jammes and David A. Palmer - The Journal of Asian Studies Vol. 77, No.
2 (May) 2018: 405 – 428- - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
Of Seance and Surrealism, Poetry and Crisis / by Christopher Hartney - In:
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On Victor Hugo’s Posthumous Career as a Religious Prophet - How The Author of
Les Misérables Became a Fixture of Cao Dai / by Abby Walthausen - In: Literary
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Open Temple Open Eyes: Viewing Caodaism / by Christopher Humphrey Hartney -
2003, Australian Religion Studies Review, vol 16, no 1, Autumn 2003, 37-48. - -
Our Divine Mother of Carramar: The Australian Điện Thờ Phật Mẫu of Caodaism / by
Christopher Humphrey Hartney - - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
A Posthumous Return from Exile: The Legacy of an Anticolonial Religious Leader
in Today’s Vietnam / by Janet Hoskins - In: Southeast Asian Studies (2012),
1(2): 213-246. - - [CORE/PDF]
Prayers of Caodaist Postmortem Rituals : Kinh Tuần Cửu - A Translation by
Christopher Hartney and Từ Chơn. - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
Printing Cosmopolitanism, Challenging Orthodoxies: Cao Đài Journals in Twentieth
Century Vietnam / by Jammes Jeremy - In: Vienna Journal of East Asian Studies,
10, pp. 175–209. - -
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Refugees in the Land of Awes :
Vietnamese Arrivals and Departures
[CHAPTER] / by Janet Alison Hoskins - In: Refugees and Religion: . By Birgit
Meyer and Peter van der Veer. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2021. 87–104 - - [ PDF]
Religion and Social
Activities in Modern Vietnam: Focusing on the Case of Caodaism : 近現代ベトナムにおける宗教と社会活動―新宗教カオダイ教の事例から / by Naohiro Kitazawa - In: Religion
and Society 2017.06, Vol.23: 47–61 - - [Web A. / PDF]
A Religion Syncretic, but Highly
Focused: Sources of Political Militancy in the Vietnamese Religious Movement
known as the Cao Dai / by Dean Meyers - Presented at the International
Conference on Syncretism in Religion
and Culture in South and SoutheastAsia, Mahidol University, Salaya Campus,
Nakorn Pathom, Thailand, May 25-28, 2007. - - [ACADEMIA
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Religious Policy in Vietnam after the "Liberation" Era - Focusing on the Case of Caodaism : "解放"後のベトナムにおける宗教政策 / by Naohiro Kitazawa - In: Tonan ajia kenkyu, 東南アジア研究 50 巻 2 号 2013 年 1 月 - - [ PDF]
Religious security in vietnam today / by Lan Hien Do - - In:
E3S Web Conf.
Volume 258, 2021 Ural Environmental Science Forum “Sustainable Development of
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Re-orienting religious space in Southeast Asia and North America / Prof. Dr.
Janet Hoskins (USC) / Published by doriseanetwork - - [YouTube]
Rice Paddy to Wheatfield: Caodaism in America's Heartland / by Lyall Lee Ford -
Published 2012, Master of Arts Thesis, the University of Kansas. - -
Rice Paddy to Wheatfield: Caodaism in America's Heartland / Published by
TimeFlashProductions - - [YouTube]
Sacralizing the Diaspora: Cosmopolitan and Originalist Indigenous Religions / by
Janet Alison Hoskins - In: Journal of
Vietnamese Studies (2017) 12 (2): 108–140.
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Seeing Syncretism as Visual Blasphemy: Critical Eyes on Caodai Religious
Architecture / by Janet Hoskins - March 2010, Material Religion The Journal of
Objects Art and Belief 6(1):30-58. - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
The Spreading of Caodaism to Taiwan: Man's Will versus Divine Will / by Tuan Em
Nguyen - In: JDTREA 2022,1(2): 115-132. - - [Web Archive / PDF]
The spirit of caodai philanthrophy / by Mohammad Alam - Philosophy and Progress.
, vol.XLVII-XLVIII. , no.January-June, July-December. , pp.105-112. , 2011 . - -
Strange Company Victor Hugo, the Saigon Flag, and Santa Claus on Vietnamese
Altars / by Janet alison Hoskins - In: Asian Ethnology Vol. 82, No. 1, (2023),
pp. 99-120 (22 pages) - - [ACADEMIA / PDF]
A strange peace : Dao Cao Dai and its manifestation in Sydney / Christopher
Hartney - Thesis (Ph.D.)-- University of Sydney , 2003 - - [Please
contact the author or The University of Sydney Library]
Spiritism and Charisma: Caodaism from its Infancy / by Christopher Humphrey
Hartney - in: Australian Religion Studies Review 20.3 (2007): 334-356. - -
A Study on the Tay Ninh Holy Tower of Caodaism in Vietnam:
The Axis Mundi and
Cosmic Cross Represented by the Temple
Ngọc Giang - Thi Nguyễn -In: Procedia
Engineering, Volume 142, 2016, Pages 252-259 - - [ScienDirect -/ PDF]
Symbolic meanings of Holy Temple in Cao Dai Tay Ninh Holy See / by Nguyễn Thái
Bảo - In: Thu Dau Mot University Journal of Science , Volume 3 – Issue 3-2021,
p. 402-414 - - [Web Archive / PDF]
Syncretism and the End of Religion (?) / by Christopher Hartney - In: Sydney
Studies in Religion, 2002 - - -[ / PDF]
The Thánh Ngôn Hiệp Tuyển:
Translating and Understanding the Central Scripture
of Caodaism / Hartney, Christopher - In: New religious movements in modern Asian
history: sociocultural alternatives, L. Boulder NY London Lexington
Books [2020] - [HTML]
Thiên Thai Kiến Diện: Visit to Fairy Realms/Paradise by Phạm Công Tắc: A
Translation of 77 Esoteric Poems by Christopher Hartney and Từ Chơn - -
The Three Teachings of Vietnam
as an Ideological Preconditiion for the Foundation of Caodaism / by
Hue Khai -
San Martin [CA, USA] : Nha xuat ban Tam Giao Dong Nguyen - 2010
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“Traditional” Modernity:
A Vietnamese Response to French Colonialism as Revealed
in the
Great Mural of Đạo Cao Đài (chapter) / by Christopher Hartney - In:
Religious Transformation in Modern Asia, 2015 Pages: 214–232 - - [piueducation-org
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An Unjealous God? Christian Elements in a Vietnamese Syncretistic Religion / by
Janet Hoskins - In: Current Anthropology Volume 55, Supplement 10, December
2014. - - [ACADEMIA/PDF]
Vietnamese Community Memory: Exile, Homesickness and Faith / C Hartney -
Literature & Aesthetics, 2011 - - - [PDF]
Vietnamese Esoterica and the Chinese Mystical Model / by Christopher Hartney - -
Vietnamese Syncretism and the Characteristics of Caodaism's Chief Deity:
Problematising Đức Cao Đài as a 'Monotheistic' God Within an East Asian Heavenly
Milieu / by Christopher Hartney - In: JDTREA 2022,1(2): 41-59 - - [Web Archive /
World scriptures / by Leland
P. Stewart - eBook, English, 2003; Edition:Rev. ed., 1st pbk. ed ;
Publisher: Scholar's Desk, Bolivar, Mo., 2003 - - [Open
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Cao Dai : keeping their
faith / Author:Darin C. Schow - Thesis, Dissertation, English, 2004
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spiritism : hybrid individuals, global communities / Author:Duc Hong Huynh,
- MA Thesis, Dissertation, English, [2010] - Publisher: [University of
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Le caodaïsme et Victor Hugo
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Le caodaisme au Cambodge /
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Caodaism – a Vietnamese New
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The emergence of Caodaism,
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Peasant politics and
religious sectarism : peasant and priest in the Cao Dai in Viet Nam /
Authors:Jayne Susan Werner, Yale University, New Haven (Conn.), 1981 - - - [Available
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Political religious
movements in Southern Vietnam during 1926-1956: case study of the Cao Dai
religion = 1926年至1956年越南南部的政治宗教運動 : 以高臺教為例 /
by Tuan Em Nguyen = 阮俊弟撰 - Thesis, Dissertation, English, 2021 ,
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of a different color: Vietnamese Catholic and Caodai U.S.-Cambodia ties in
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Degree: PhD, Sociology, 2013, Univ. of Southern California
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Rice Paddy to Wheatfield:
Caodaism in America's Heartland. / Ford, Lyall Lee. - Degree: MA, Global and
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Some major religions of
Vietnam / Author:Xuân Tín. Phạm -
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strange peace : Dao Cao Dai and its manifestation in Sydney /
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
JAPANESE / 日本語 / Nihongo / Tiếng Nhật
Kaodai Kyo No Rekishi
/ History of CaoDai Religion / by: Nguyen Van Hoa / Guen Goku Hoa - -
カオダイ教ハノイ聖室の民族誌的研究 (Ethnographic study of the Cao Dai Temple in Hanoi) -
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カオダイ教におけるフォ・ロアン (Phò
loan) とサイ・バン (Xây bàn)--カオダイ教形成過程におけるサイ・バンを中心として-- 髙津茂 - 人文學報, 2015 - - - [PDF]
Phò loan and Xây bàn in Cao Daiism--Focusing on Sai Ban during the formation
process of Cao Dai religion-- / by Shigeru Takatsu - Humanities Journal No. 108
(December 2015) (Institute of Humanities, Kyoto University)
について―カオダイ聖典の考察― , アジア・アフリカ文化研究所研究年報 / by - In
Annual Research Report of the
Institute of Asian and African Cultures , 1995 vol.30, 131(54)-140(45) - -
About the Eightfold Path Decree of the Đức Lý Giáo Tông - Consideration of the
Cao Dai Scriptures -
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「万教合一論」―カオダイ教聖典 『聖言 (Thanh Ngon)』 / by についての基礎的考察 - In: 高津茂 - 共生科学, 2010 - - - [PDF]
“Oneness of All Churches” in Modern Vietnam: Basic Consideration of the Caodai
Canon “Sacred Word (Thanh Ngon)” / by Shigeru Takatsu - In: Journal of Kyosei
Studies 1 (1), 103-111, 2010 - .
カオダイ教団創設期 (1926 年)
のお告げとその解析-大道三期普度教団の創設 / by ?津 茂 ,
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The Oracle and the Analysis in Caodai Religious Society Fledgling Term (1926)
Foundation of the Dai Dao Tam Ky Pho Do Religious Society / by TAKATSU Shigeru
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Trial translation of a short history of Pham Kong Tak: A study of the Cao Dai
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Caodaism's dream of Japan 1934-1941 / by Shigeru Takatsu - In: Institute of
Asian Cultures, Toyo University Research Annual Report, 2006 -
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Caodaism in 1946-1948 (1): Dream of becoming a national religion / by Shigeru
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Commentary on the Fashoden Commentary [2] - Consideration of the Caodaic
scriptures / by TAKATSU Shigeru - In: Annual Research Report of the Institute of
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吉永, 進一. 「神の声を聴く --
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"Explanation of the purpose of ``Hearing the voice of God --
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of the oracles of Cao Dai religion, Doin religion, and Omoto religion.'' / by
Yoshinaga, Shinichi. ``Humanities Journal 2015, 108: 123-125
The History and Kyosei Practice of The Caodaist Missionary Church
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TAKATSU - 2012 Kyosei kagaku - - [Web Archive / PDF]
ベトナム共和国第一共和政における 「宗教」
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Introduction of the concept of “religion” in the First Republic of Vietnam: From
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The Movement for The National Kyosei draws a parallel between the Tay Ninh Sect
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二つの抗戦期に見るカオダイ教タイ・ニン聖座派と 愛国諸派の民族的共生への動きの対比
shinmitsu-ken' no kanōsei ni kansuru ichikōsatsu ― Betonamu hokubu chiiki toshi
no shūkyō komyuniti ni tsudou josei-tachi no keiken to katari ― / by Ito Mariko
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両大戦間期におけるカオダイ教と日本との関わり (上):『復国時期 1941-1946 におけるカオダイ教の歴史』 を中心として / by 高津茂,- In:
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(Relationship between Caodaism
and Japan during the interwar period (Part 1):
Focusing on “History of Caodaism during the Restoration Period 1941-1946” / by
Shigeru Takatsu, - In: - Shigeru Takatsu - 2013 -
Religion and Social
Activities in Modern Vietnam: Focusing on the Case of Caodaism
by Naohiro Kitazawa - In: Religion and Society 2017.06, Vol.23: 47–61 - - [ / PDF]
Religious Policy in
Vietnam after the "Liberation" Era -
Focusing on the Case of Caodaism / Naohiro
Kitazawa - : :“解放”
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Allocution Prononcee Par Le Senateur Hong Son Dong, De Religion Cao Đài, Au Sujet De La Paix Au Viet-Nam
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Nghiên cứu đặc điểm giảng dạy và lý do xã hội của đạo Cao Đài ở Việt Nam - Research on the teaching characteristics and social reasons of Cao Dai religion in Vietnam - In: "Window to Southeast Asia" 2014 Issue 1 Pages 31-34-
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Caodaismus in Vietnam -
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Cao-Đài-Religion: Die neue Konfession Gottes in der dritten Phase der
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Cao Dai als letzte
Offenbarung / by Von Horst Blümel | 30.12.2015 - URL :
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